Monday, March 16, 2009

Random Discussions:The President and a 300 Level Student

We discussed this in class and I want to discuss it here.

If a President of a nation sleeps with a 300 level student in the university and it is reported in the news can we say it is a violation of his privacy. Please leave your comments.



  1. OMG DID OUR PRESIDENT SLEEP WITH A 300L STUDENT????????????????????????????????????????????????
    I thought he was ill? lol

    Okay, see there's freedom of press. If it got to the ears of the press, then they CAN! Why didn't Clinton sue the press?

    See, its only in Nigeria that those things are grey areas. See the whole Channels TV issue!

  2. We can't exactly say the press is free...I mean there are ethics that guard journalism and all, the thing is does his sleeping with a 300 level student affect the country. is it really our business to know if he is sleeoing around...

  3. Its not necessarily our business...i mean its not even my business that the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria is not in good health, but I care about output. But on the real, the world, real politics covers even personal arrangements. See how personal stuff, personal history hit Palin and then the polls. There are things that REFLECT THE QUALITY OF THE LEADER...morality, SELF-CONTROL.
    If the press get these information, it could help in decisions of the country...
    wo, anyhow, i am not a politician...even if you read the last part of my blog....

    and i have never been fascinated about the Press...though I imagine myself being a journalist...i'd have probably gone to personally confirm the 4billion naira Jet

  4. That is my point. We live in a world now where everyone defines their morals. Christians have their morals, muslims have theirs, the hindus have theirs too. The thing is objectively speaking, I don't feel the press has any business uncovering that information

  5. Wellif he did it is wrong and there is freedom of speech we should be aware...there is no privacy as long as he is not married to her.

  6. Well, what of the girl. She must have agreed, I mean she is an adult. 2 adults meeting together to have sex...i feel it's not our businees 'cause it happens every single day

  7. agreed or no agree a president who does so ,has alot to answer to. There are reforms on family and health issues he has to deal with. Also the girl in question's privacy is invalid.

  8. this ain't arry but i have to say press freedom rocks YEAH!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Who's that accusing me?
    It's none of your business what I did in my room, after all, it's consenting adults. If you don't like it, go and bang ur head against the wall. Ramota was a consenting adult...

  10. Lol!!! Now that's funny....Anyways, I am not saying any president did anything...I am just citing an example

  11. eMJOY:what a public servant especially the President does is really the business of the people. the job of the press is to keep watch on these figures for us followers. And as far as our culture and soceity is concerned that is odd... and also immoral (as far as our soceity ios concerned) so it is newsworthy!

  12. Really the press can talk about it because it's not malicious information directly harming any of the parties involved. Also because the President is meant to serve the people, he's gotta have the press on him. Private individual or not, once you're in a position of public service, you're gonna have to be bait.


Oya you sef talk ya own!!!