Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Move On; Walk Away...

The challenge for this week is "move on"

I don't know if you have been or you are at a breaking point. A point where you are convinced beyond every reasonable doubt that this is the final straw.

It could be an unhealthy relationship; you love him and he don't love you or she is cheating on you with your friend. Instead of ignoring the signs, move on and walk away.

It could be a job that is draining your time and money and is far from giving you satisfaction. Instead of staying there and frustrating yourself and your employer, move on and walk away.

It could be that grudge you have had against that friend or co worker. Instead of nursing malice in your heart, move on and walk away.

It could be the misdeeds of your past that has come back to hunt you. Do not beat yourself up AT ALL, move on and walk away.

If there is one thing I know it is that life is too short to spend time in anything that makes you unhappy and that is also detrimental to your walk with God. Spending too much time in an unhealthy zone is not good for your destiny. Get yourself together and walk away.

But he loves me or at least I think he does; move on and walk away.

But she understands me like no one can; move on and walk away.

How will I survive if I quit my job? Move on, walk away.

But she hurt me so bad. Forgiveness is too hard; (forgive jor!) Move on, walk away.

People will hate me when they hear of my past; dude, babe... You are a NEW creature. Move on and walk away.

I have moved on and walked away.

Will join me?

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1 comment:

  1. You are right that one shouldn't continue in endeavours that are depressing.

    no one should take more than his/her fair share of stress from anything. too much? move on.

    Good post.

    Taciturn Talked Talkative


Oya you sef talk ya own!!!