Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Scars Series

Scars. I hate them God knows every time I look at them I want to throw up. How did I get to this point. Give my heart away so many times and it ends up broken. It is like the same cycle over and over again.

My name is Chinonso Eze. I am 21 years old and my heart has been broken 3 times by 3 different people. Crazy right? People say guys don't get their hearts broken but really that's a BIG lie. My life has been a series of heart breaks and its like I have had enough. Truth is I am at a breaking point. Everyone sees girls as the victims but really are they? You give someone everything and then its like it is over...

I need help. I need healing. I want to believe in love again.
The Scars Series is based on personal stories of people who have been hurt. One of the things I want us to do is to put ourselves in the individuals shoes and then make suggestions or recommendations or offer advice to the "person". So I encourage you guys to comment ok.

And please visit the hottest site in town

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1 comment:

  1. Talking about our problems can be great. i certainly will be following this scar series.

    I don't have any suggestions, I think heart breaks are part of life. Just how much is the question.

    Let's all be careful and let God guide our steps.

    Taciturn Turned Talkative


Oya you sef talk ya own!!!