Monday, March 7, 2011

The thing with words

I had an awesome week.

No doubt.

Got two of my closest friends around. Bonding like never before. It was awesome.

I learnt one thing this weekend though. Words are very powerful.

There is a reason why the Bible tells us that our words are powerful. There is a reason we have a God that speaks things that are not as though they were. We also have that power in us because it is the same power that conquered the grave and it resides in us.

In my devotional (Sacred Obsession) yesterday, Becky Tirabassi says "We must see ourselves as having the responsibility of regularly offering words of blessings and encouragement on the Lord's behalf! And we must be intentional."

The challenge was to allow my words to be affirmations to those around me so to you reading this post

The Lord bless you,
The Lord keep you,
The Lord make His face to shine upon you
And give you peace.

Have an awesome week guys

Remember guys, Wednesday is my blog anniversary... I hope I celebrate it well...


Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN


  1. I like the part where he says, "...and you must be intentional."

    Good words are not so good when they're thrown around randomly; they must be intentional. We must mean what we say from the bottom of our hearts. Great food for thought. Thanks, Harry.

  2. Your friends look really good and happy together. I was unable to leave a comment on FB.

    Words are indeed powerful.

    Amen to your blessings.

  3. The happiness is really showing on you, this is a great picture. And you're right about the power of words.

    I want to send you an email...


Oya you sef talk ya own!!!