The Talkaholic
The musings of a Bald Black Boy
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Sunday, December 30, 2012
My Review of Bez's Super Sun Concert
Forgive my amateur picture lol |
I got to the concert and after doing all my interviews, I settled in to enjoy the show. I got in just as Waje was performing and it was super amazing. Seyi Shay took the stage after Waje. I thought she was high but apparently she just has a lot of energy. Omawunmi followed after her and as usual she killed her performance. She is an amazing vocalist and love the twist she gave to the songs. Timi Dakolo's performance was ok. Not too special but not forgettable. Praiz thrilled audiences with Rich and Famous. Tiwa Savage and Stan Iyke did their thing even though I thought Tiwa's voice was too powerful for his. After that Tiwa joined Cobhams for an amazing rendition of "Jesus Loves Me". I always used to think that Tiwa wasn't a good singer but after listening to her belt to the Jesus... hmmm... I have a new perception.
NOTE: I am moving my blog to next year and I am so excited about it. So, from next year, I'll be blogging from there. Thanks for the support all through the years. Love y'all
Saturday, December 15, 2012
RIP Kronyk...
Goodbye Kronyk… Till we meet again | Yada Magazine
Friday, December 14, 2012
Check out my interview with Kel Mitchell from Kenan and Kel
Yes oh! It is true. I got to interview the 90s Child Star. Click the link below to read the interview and please do not forget to comment!!!
Thanks guys
Exclusive Interview with Kenan & Kel Star, Kel Mitchell (@iamkelmitchell) | Yada Magazine
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Finding Freedom
Andrea looked at him hoping that he would give her an answer as soon as possible. She thought maybe if he assured her of his loven She might actually feel good about what just happened. Her gaze was fixed on him but he kept struggling with his clothes. Apparently, he was late for a meeting with his boss.
"I'll call you" he told her as he dashed out of her room.
Well, it has been 3 weeks, 4 days and 12 hours and she is still expecting his call. She is there sitting by her phone, alone.
Oh and there is Damon. Wannabe rock star. Loves the flashing lights and the parties and the fame. If only he can get that BIG BREAK and everything will be alright. People will notice him when he comes into the club. All the "cool kids" will want to be friends with him. His lifestyle will upgrade and girls will die to be his girlfriend. But until then, he'll keep struggling so that he can look cool on the outside and sleep with anything in a skirt that makes him feel a little bit more than a man.
In the end, the girls leave and he is left in his one room apartment, alone.
Question: When you look in the mirror what do you see?
Do you feel you are not worth anything? Do you feel ashamed of the person you have become? Do you dream of changing something? Do you wish you were a bit smarter or cuter, or taller?
What do you see?
Truth is we can have surgery to alter how we look but there is no surgery that can fix a wounded soul. We can get clothes to disguise our imperfections but when the clothes come off and are in front of the mirror, those imperfections stare right back at us. We can know all the "right" people and party with the "right" crowd and have the fat bank account but at night when they leave, you are back at square one.
What do we do?
Love yourself. When you wake up every morning look in the mirror and say "I love you" because it is only when we start to love ourselves we find freedom. We free ourselves from the chains that people have put us in. Those that told us we were not good enough, or smart enough or wise enough. We free ourselves from all the negativity that came from different life experiences. You have to love yourself, because Someone loved you so much to give His precious gift for YOU! You do not need anyone to give you self-worth. You do not need to look for love in a kiss or a one-night stand. All you can do is love yourself. Be kind to everyone that comes your way. And live life to the fullest. Give yourself a treat. Dance when no music is playing. Pray for a friend. Start a conversation with someone you have not met before. Do not worry about fitting in or getting someone's approval.
Love God. Love Yourself. Love Others as Yourself. Then you will find freedom.
Sent from my BlackBerry® Smartphone, from Etisalat. Enjoy high speed internet service with Etisalat easy net, available at all our experience centres
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Invitation to connect on LinkedIn

Saturday, December 1, 2012
Do we all really have a dark side?
Even though I admit to having a dark side, I don't wanna forever have it... I don't know if you get. I want to find a way to work through it. I want to be perfect for my boo.
But chill oh, do we all really have a dark side???
Monday, October 29, 2012
Juicy J - Bands A Make Her Dance Cover - Tolu
Sunday, October 28, 2012
R.I.P Natina Reed
I was a huge fan of Left Eye back in the day and you could not have been a fan of Left Eye without knowing Blaque. They made awesome music in the 90s. Starred in Bring it On with Gabrielle Union.
Oh and there was I'm Good from the Honey Soundtrack.
Natina was the rapper in the group. The one with the attitude. The one who reminded everyone of Left Eye.
Her birthday was supposed to be today but she was hit by a car on Friday as she was crossing the street.
I pray God will comfort her son and those she left behind.
She will be missed.
R.I.P Natina
Sent from my BlackBerry® Smartphone, from Etisalat. Enjoy high speed internet service with Etisalat easy net, available at all our experience centres
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Over and Over Again
I do the same things over and over again,
I try to get you to understand,
I try to get you to see things from my perspective,
But you do the same things over and over again.
You walk away from conversations,
You never listen to what I have to say,
So I try over and over again.
I try to make you love me,
I try to make you want me,
Heck! Do you even notice me?
You do the same thing over and over again
From cycle to cycle,
I call, you hang up,
I text you don't reply.
You change your number,
I get the new one...
Over and Over again, I'll try
Over and Over again, you'll hide
Because I aint going no where
Until you love me
LOL. I have no clue what I was writing there so I just went with the flow. Hi guys. It's been a while since I posted anything here. Been busy with work. Yes, to all of y'all that don't know I am the Assistant Producer, Entertainment at TVC News and I am loving it.
So I just dropped by to say you guys and to share these AMAZING video. These are the contestants I am rooting for on this season of The X Factor. I am positive they'll kick major behinds.
Enjoy the video. Peace
Friday, October 5, 2012
Friday, September 21, 2012
1-0 (A Short Story)
"I hate seeing you like this" she said, her voice breaking
I sat up and pulled her down and gave her a hug.
"I am fine mum" I whispered in her ear and wiped the tears from her eyes.
"Jumoke's mum is here. She wants to see you"
"I'll be down in a bit"
My mum stood up and walked out of the room looking back one more time before closing my door. I wasn't in the mood to see Jumoke's mother. What does she want to say? What does she want from me?
I am sure you are lost now so let me bring you up to speed. My name is Ejiro. Jumoke was my best friend. We had been best friends since Primary School. We always had each other's backs.. or so I thought.
Fast forward to 3 years ago, I started work at an Advertising Agency and I met Chidi. He was an Investment Banker and was everything I (thought I ) wanted in a man. We started dating and he popped the question 3 months ago. I was happy. Finally, I was going to get married and live happily ever after. So I thought.
Turns out, Jumoke my supposed best friend was just a b****. Turns out for the past 6 months, she had been sleeping with Chidi, BEHIND MY BACK!!! Isn't it funny? We watch movies and we see something like this happen we go "that aint ever gonna happen to me'... Well, it just did.
Anyways, turns out Jumoke is pregnant and in her words "I can't have an abortion. It is a sin"... Oh please! So what was she doing when she was screwing her best friend's fiancé?
I stood up from my bed and went downstairs to meet her mum. The woman was just there rambling and saying something about God wanting us to forgive one another. My mind was far away. Many thoughts were running through my mind as I kept rubbing the stone on my engagement ring.
"Are we done here?" I asked her. She looked puzzled as I cut her short when she was saying the creation story or something.
"Ejiro I am just..." She started
"Mrs. Ademola, I am asking again are we done here?"
She heaved a sigh "yes"
"Thank you ma" I stood up, grabbed the keys to the car that Chidi bought me for my birthday. I had to get to his house. We have unfinished business.
As for Jumoke, she don do her own. She play her game well oh. No wahala. 1-0
Sent from my BlackBerry® Smartphone, from Etisalat. Enjoy high speed internet service with Etisalat easy net, available at all our experience centres