Monday, February 2, 2009

Can I Keep You?

Have you met my friend Calvin? He is in the United States and he is a good writer too and I read his note on facebook and with his permission, I am posting this particular note:

Can I Keep You

“Can I keep you” is the signature phrase that Casper said to Kat when every time he saw her resting peacefully, dancing with him softly, or more relatively when he realized that the thing he wanted most he could never have.

How many times in our life have we asked someone “Can I keep you?” Usually we ask this question because deep down we know that their time is limited, but when we are around them time seems limitless. The feeling you get sends you into a wonderful abyss. In those moments that he, she, we kiss; removes boundaries from our minds that all we can say is “What is this?”

Something so great should be guaranteed to stay, but every time you look it drifts more and more away. I admire my man Casper because he did everything he could for Kat. Cooked her breakfast, made her feel nice; even when it came down to his dream of being mortal again he said no I will stay let your dad have his life.

There was an upside though; Casper got a chance to be a boy again after all. The downer about it was his time was limited much like ours. When that clock hit 10, his dream came to an end. How similar our lives have these same moments. We experience a good thing for only while. The season seems great, fun, and worth wild; until the clock strikes and your time is through. You look at what once was yours and the only words your mouth can form are “Can I Keep You”. Then you get the answer that blows mind and shatters your heart, which is No You Can’t.

For Calvin's facebook profile:

For his notes:

1 comment:

  1. interesting read....I actually just blogged about something similar so if you enjoyed this you may enjoy that as well. Be Blessed!


Oya you sef talk ya own!!!