Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Talkaholic Podcast 001

This is the very episode of The Talkaholic podcast.

Today’s podcast is focusing on the song ‘Living the Life’ by Group 1 Crew. The song has been the Nos. 1 song on my playlist for a while and it really explains the point I am in now in my walk with God.

The podcast starts with the song and with an explanation of how the song relates to our everyday lives. At the end of the podcast, listeners realize that there is so much to be grateful for and that the life God has given us is one to be enjoyed and to be lived to the fullest. Also features music from Stellar Kart

To listen on the web click here

To download mp3 file click here



  1. At this point in time am heading fast towards depression as a result of some personal issue, the importance of calming me self with uplifting spiritual songs cannot be overemphasised.


Oya you sef talk ya own!!!